Tuesday 21 February 2012

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Interview

  1. 1)      I guess I’ll be the first interviewer to say welcome to the music world! So let’s get started off with the basics. First you were just singing in an ordinary local pub and now you’re here, performing all over the country! Must have come as a bit of a shock to the system? How did it all happen?

Yeah you are, thanks for that (smiles). It was a bit of a shock at first. Where do I start, as you’ve said I used to sing in my local pub at the weekend, then as luck would have it one Friday night this bloke called Andy Reynolds walks in I and well I didn’t know he was a talent scout, but he liked what he heard and well that’s why I’m where I am now. Thanks Andy
  1. 2)      You’re only 18. How are you dealing with new found fame?

Surprisingly quite well my friends and family are really supportive, they keep me grounded. It`s early days still but I want to stay true to my values, there`s no way my family or friends would let me go off the rails, it’s all about the music, of course the money comes in handy (smiles and giggles)
  1. 3)      There’s a lot of conspiracy behind the real reason why you’re called Lola, could you separate the fact from fiction please?

Well one of dad’s favourite bands is The Kinks and as I’m sure you know the song Lola was one of their greatest tracks, so he named me after that, and not what many people might think Barry Manilows’ hit. I can assure you I’m no show girl.
  1. 4)      Who was or is your biggest musical inspiration then?

I have to say my Dad, I grew up listening to him playing his guitar, and singing his own songs as well as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and AC/DC to name just a few from the past. But more current stuff would be the Artic Monkeys, I`m loving what they are doing at the moment perfect for getting ready for a night out, not that I get to do much of that lately, I`m so busy now being on tour so chilling to Bon Iver at the end of a long day is just bliss.
  1. 5)      I`m sorry but we have got to ask how did you and your boyfriend meet?

He used to come to all my gigs, you could say he was my own little groupie, he said he had been trying to pluck up the courage to ask me out for a drink from the first time he met me, he eventually did after a particularly boozy night. He is very supportive and handles my Diva tantrums really well, as I said earlier keeping me grounded.
  1. 6)      You are just over half way into you UK tour. What else can we be expecting to see from you in the near future?

Well my friends and family always call me a work-oholic and that I don’t know when to stop, so lots. I know I haven’t even finished my UK tour yet but I’d love to do a world one but I think that will be happening in the distant future. Im not sure if I should be saying this so you might have an exclusive on your hands here but by the end of this year I am hoping to have released my very first album, it’s all very exciting stuff but I’m just going with the flow.   
  1. 7)      Wow! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule Lola and from all of us at Vinyl Magazine we wish you the very best for this year and the rest.

Thank you so much Vinyl Magazine and to you your readers, the pleasure has been all mine.

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